
  • We hope you are happy with all products you bought from us, but if you’re not entirely satisfied, you’ll find details of our Refund policy below.
  • We strongly recommend that all items be checked fully at the time of delivery.
  • In general, unless otherwise indicated, an item may be eligible for return within the applicable return window if it fulfils one or more of the following conditions:
  • It is different from what was ordered.
  • It is defective
  • Suffered physical damage during delivery
  • Some parts are missing
  • We are happy to accept a complete return and issue a full refund for prescription medicines if it fulfils one or more of the following conditions:
  • If the products do not match your order/prescription
  • Products are defective or physically damaged
  • You’re entitled to return your items within 6-7 days and receive a full refund.
  • Acceptable return items
  • All items must be returned in their original condition, with price tags intact, user manual, warranty cards, original accessories and in the original manufacturer’s box/packaging as delivered to you.
  • In case of medicines, items must be returned in full, in their original condition, with box, strip and packaging intact.
  • Please note that we are unable to accept returns for the following:
    • Unstable  items.
    • Unsealed items with a protective seal due to health protection or hygiene reasons.
    • Personal hygiene products.
    • Products marked as ‘non-returnable’ on the category detail or product detail page.
    • How to return an item?
  • Please contact our customer care within 6-7 working days of receiving your items by calling us at +917895021863 or completing the form on our contact us page.
  • Once you’ve notified our Customer Care team about returning your items, you will receive instructions about how and where to send or drop off your return items. Our customer care will make all efforts to facilitate a convenient option.
  • Unfortunately, we’re unable to cover the costs of returning your items and cannot be liable for any damages incurred during transit. Please ensure they are properly secured and packaged and we recommend sending all return items via a branded courier service where required.
  • How long will it take to process my return?
  • We aim to process your return within 6-7 working days of receiving the item.
  • Please note that upon processing the return, we are entitled to deduct an amount from the refund to reflect any loss of revenue in the value of items returned which may be 100%, if the loss is the result of unnecessary handling of the goods by you.
  • In some cases, we may be able to offer only a replacement or credit note in place of a refund. We will notify you accordingly as soon as the return is processed by our returns department.

Order Cancellation Policy

  • Upon placing the order, if you would like to cancel it, you can do so by signing in to your account in the order history section of the website, while the order status is in a created state.
  • Once the order has been approved by our team, please contact our customer care team at +91 7895021863 for cancellation requests. If the request is received prior to the order being shipped, a complete refund will be made.
  • Once the order is shipped, cancellations are treated as returns and the process outlined in the returns section will be applicable.

Need help?

Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.