Our shipping policy is governed by a simple principle – you as our customer should get the best service at the best price, completely transparent to you throughout your journey with Okdose Pharmacy . To get that done, we have built India’s most innovative solution for fulfillment patient medicine requirement.

  • When the dispatch store and the customer address are in the same region, free delivery will be applicable for all orders whose Order value is greater than Rs 249. For all other orders in this case a nominal shipping of Rs. 29 per order will be applicable.
  • When the dispatch store and the customer delivery address are in different regions, free delivery will be applicable for all orders whose Order value  is greater than Rs. 549. For COD orders a nominal shipping of Rs. 39 per order will be applicable and For prepaid Order no extra charges will be added.
  • If you have joined our membership program a nominal shipping of Rs.29 only will be added.

Don’t worry if we are not in your city yet – you can expect us soon